Supervisi Pendidiksan Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Di Madrasah Tsanawiyah Darul Ulum

  • Musonip Saputro Universitas Islam Negeri Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi, Indonesia
  • M Fathoni Universitas Islam Negeri Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi, Indonesia
  • Minnah El Widdah Universitas Islam Negeri Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi, Indonesia
  • Suryawahyuni Latief Universitas Nurdin Hamzah Jambi, Indonesia
Keywords: Education Supervision, School Supervision


The head of the madrasa must be able to carry out supervision
activities to improve teacher performance. Supervision will help identify deficiencies in
the teacher's learning process so far. Then look for joint solutions to improve learning
activities in the classroom. This study reveals the performance of Darul Ulum Private
MTS Madrasah teachers during the Covid-19 pandemic. The results of this study are: 1)
Supervision is carried out in several stages, namely: planning, implementing and tracking.
Supervision is carried out by the head of the madrasa and assisted by the teacher council.
Matters that are subject to supervision include: administrative and academic supervision.
Administrative supervision is carried out before the implementation of distance learning.
Academic supervision is carried out by means of tutors taking virtual classes or online
classes; 2) Obstacles in the implementation of supervision, namely the schedule of solid
activities, computer literacy is still low, madrasa facilities supporting online learning are
not enough, 3) Follow-up for some teachers who are not proficient in teaching methods is
through the Zenius application to make it easier for teachers to take part in online
training. In addition, madrasas also provide the facilities needed for these teachers to
carry out distance learning in the form of providing adequate computers and equipment
